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KetoseSweet with Monk Fruit | Allulose & Monk Fruit

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Price in points: 174 points
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Quantity 1+ 36+
Price/25kg unit $174.00/unit $117.00/unit

Pack Size: 25 kg

KetoseSweet with Monk Fruit is a natural sweetening solution that brings together optimal levels of monk fruit extract and crystalline allulose—a rare sugar that occurs naturally in wheat, figs, raisins, and jackfruit. Monosaccharides (rare sugars) and their derivatives are found in nature but are found in limited quantities. Rare sugars like allulose—though 70% as sweet as sugar—can be used as a substitute for sugar. This ingredient provides sweetness without calories. KetoseSweet with Monk Fruit is made through biological processes of enzyme conversion to create a formula that is nearly identical to the compound found in nature. Although it is functionally classed as a carbohydrate, allulose is mostly absorbed in the small intestine without being converted into energy—at least 90% is excreted by the kidneys without being metabolized and without the laxative effect of some polyols. This means that in a functional sense allulose has 95% fewer calories than sucrose. Because of this, the FDA determined in 2019 that allulose no longer needed to be listed under total or added sugars on the nutrient facts panel.

Monk fruit is a high intensity sweetener, with about 150 to 250 times the sweetness of sucrose. When formulating, extremely low percentages of high intensity sweeteners are required, and because of their intense sweetening power, their use must be carefully controlled. Since such small amounts are used to deliver the same sweetness as sucrose, the resulting formula lacks solids—these must be built back to achieve a comparable mouthfeel. Where KetoseSweet with Monk Fruit really shines is in its ability to mask off notes. When combined, these sweetening compounds provide a neutral flavor profile that can be used as a plug-and-play replacement for sugar. On its own, monk fruit can have off-notes reminiscent of melon rind. Allulose is used as a natural flavor enhancer that helps mask the off flavors of nearly all compounds which express off-notes in solution. KetoseSweet with Monk Fruit is non-GMO, kosher, and is available in 60 mesh, Ultra, and Supreme powdered versions. Because our KetoseSweet with Monk Fruit is derived without the use of chemicals, it can be used to support a clean label claim.

Download the Spec Sheet!

Best Uses & Practices, Solubility, & Stability

Formulation Insights

Alleviating Allulose Sweetening Challenges

Managing Monk Fruit Sweetening Challenges

Solving Stevia Sweetening Challenges

Eliminating Erythritol Sweetening Challenges

Placating Prebiotic Fiber Challenges

Extinguishing Xylitol Sweetening Challenges